Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On being Spiritually Autistic

I posted the diagnostic criteria for autism because I think it is crucial in understanding my self-diagnosis. It has become clear to me over the last 13 years that my daughter is a reflection of my own autism. This is not to say she is autistic because of me. This is to say her journey parallels my spiritual journey. I am better able to understand her struggle when I look at my spiritual life. I assure you I meet the full criteria for autism as it relates to my spiritual development and transformation. I pray to be as patient and loving a parent to my daughter, as God is to me. My hope is to chronicle lessons revealed to me in this journey. I challenge you to apply the developmental delays, social difficulties, repetitive behaviors and overall struggle to express and accept relationship, to your own life and specifically, to your relationship with God.


  1. talk about me wanting to remain in denial. I read those criteria, and think to myself, let's just skip on past to the next one. Words that hit me are "lack, impaired, failure, develop, abnormal". But I think it's #4, lack of social or emotional reciprocity, or if you put it by the spiritual aspect, lack of spiritual reciprocity.

  2. The note in the description of #4 gives me great pause. My mind is thinking of too many examples both in my life and in my Christian community/family...I may have to wait to articulate these wonderings.
